Parcel collection & parcel drop-off at the ParcelShop
The GLS ParcelShop offers you a convenient way to drop off and collect parcels - throughout Germany and in many cities such as Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich. Here you will find all the information you need to drop off your parcel, and if you don't have a ParcelShop near you, you can suggest new ParcelShops! Our ParcelShops serve as parcel terminals where you can easily drop off returns and parcels. Find out everything you need to know about parcel drop-off at GLS ParcelShops here!
Frequently asked questions about parcel drop-off at GLS
Why was my parcel not delivered to the nearest GLS ParcelShop?
Sometimes it happens that your parcel is not delivered to your local ParcelShop. There can be various reasons for this: On the one hand, it could be due to the planned route of the delivery van or the fact that your nearest ParcelShop is not in the driver's delivery area. The ParcelShop's opening hours can also play a role, for example if the operator was on his lunch break at the time of delivery. Space problems could also be a reason, for example if the ParcelShop is already full or your parcel is too large for the available storage space. If your parcel was not dropped off at your local ParcelShop, we apologize for any inconvenience caused.
What do I need to bear in mind when dropping off parcels at GLS ParcelShops?
When picking up your parcel and dropping it off at the ParcelShop, you should make sure that you can identify yourself. Your identity card is of course the best option. Alternatively, you can also show another official identification document, such as your passport or driver's license. If you are picking up a parcel for someone else, you should make sure that you have a power of attorney with you. The authorized person must also show an ID.
How long will my parcel be stored in the ParcelShop?
We will store a parcel that we have delivered to the ParcelShop for 8 working days from the following day. Working days = Mondays to Fridays.
GLS ParcelShops and ParcelStations nearby
You will find your GLS ParcelShop & ParcelStations here