GLS easyConnect: Our portal for more efficiency in eCommerce
GLS easyConnect is a free GLS solution and simplifies the entire shipping process with numerous features. easyConnect offers you a simple and free connection to Amazon, eBay, OTTO and Shopify in just a few clicks! Our aim with GLS easyConnect is to make the process as convenient as possible for you so that you save time and money. It enables simple label printing, reliable export of parcel data and a simple overview of activities.
Apply for an account now in just a few steps and discover GLS easyConnect! The most important features at a glance:
Import orders from Amazon, eBay, OTTO & Shopify with one click
Create labels easily and efficiently
Create batch processing in just a few steps
Automatic label generation through our scan function
Efficient picking through simple creation of pick lists and delivery notes
Updating the parcel numbers on Amazon, eBay and Shopify
Shipment status is updated directly in Amazon, eBay and Shopify
Automatically adjust orders using shipping rules
Interfaces for your e-commerce business
Account für GLS easyConnect beantragen
Take a look at the documentation relevant to you for connecting the available integrations:
The most popular FAQs - answers to frequently asked questions about GLS easyConnect
General questions
How can I request a free account?
Apply for a free account now in just a few steps ⓘ or contact your GLS contact person directly.
How can I change my password in GLS easyConnect?
You can change your password under Settings - Account in the Password section. Settings - Account in the password section. There you can enter your new data under Change your passsword. If you are not yet logged in, you can click on Forgot password in the login menu below.
Where can I ask questions about GLS easyConnect?
After you have logged in, you can submit your further questions in the Support - Platform section. We will take care of it immediately and get back to you as soon as possible.
Where can I report problems regarding integrations in GLS easyConnect?
After you have logged in, you can submit your problems regarding integrations in the Support - Integrations section. We will take care of it immediately and get back to you as soon as possible.
How do I connect GLS easyConnect with Amazon?
After you have logged in, you can find the information you need to connect via the Amazon backend in the Settings - Integrations - Amazon - Connect section.
Which settings can I make in GLS easyConnect for Amazon?
Can I also send my Amazon Prime parcels with GLS easyConnect?
Yes, it is possible to send your Amazon Prime parcels with GLS easyConnect - as long as the general Amazon Prime criteria are met.
How do I connect GLS easyConnect with Shopify?
After you have logged in, you can find the information you need to connect via the Shopify backend in the Settings - Integrations - Shopify - Connect section.
Which settings can I make in GLS easyConnect for Shopify?
For example, you can within GLS easyConnect update the track code to the shop, import orders with status, define shipping rules and add ParcelShops for Shopify. You can access the settings for Shopify under Settings - General - Integrations - Integration details - Shopify.
.How do I connect GLS easyConnect with eBay?
After you have logged in, you can find the necessary information to connect via the eBay backend in the Settings - Integrations - eBay - Connect section.
Which settings can I make in GLS easyConnect for eBay?
For example, you can within GLS easyConnect update the track code to the shop, import orders with status, define shipping rules and add ParcelShops for eBay. You can access the settings for eBay under Settings - General - Integrations - Integration details - eBay.
.Does GLS easyConnect confirm the shipment to Amazon, eBay and Shopify after the parcel label has been created?
Yes, GLS updates the parcel numbers on Amazon, eBay & Shopify.
Where can I save the shipping data for automatic completion in GLS easyConnect?
The shipping data can be defined under Settings - Shipping - Shipping defaults.
.What can I set in GLS easyConnect using the Rulebook?
You can create rules in Settings - Shipping - Shipping rules under Add Rule for the following categories: Blanket rule, Light shipment, Heavy transport, Domestic shipping, Non-EU shipping and Time-based rule.
Where can I find the shipment status in GLS easyConnect?
You can find the shipping status at Shipping - Orders - Delivered.
How can I select batch processing in GLS easyConnect?
Batch processing can be used independently of the linked integrations by selecting the jobs intended for this via the checkbox. Then simply click on Create Label(s) , now the labels are created.
How can I select the picklist in combination with the scan functionality in GLS easyConnect?
To be able to use a barcode scanner, this functionality must be activated for you and easyConnect must be open in the browser. After activation, you must configure the behaviour of the scanner under Settings in your Account. You can now scan a barcode from a pick list.
How do I create the delivery note in GLS easyConnect?
Here you click at Shipping - Orders - Create Labels & more and select Create labels - Create picklist at the top.
Can I have a different sender printed on the parcel label in GLS easyConnect?
Yes, it is possible to print a different sender. Here you click at Settings - Account - Profile and fill in the area Shipping Address.
Can I cancel parcels in GLS easyConnect?
Yes, you can cancel parcels. For this you mark under Shipping - Orders - Created Labels & more the Orders, which should be deleted (by clicking on the checkbox) and delete.
Where can I upload my shipments in GLS easyConnect?
You can upload your shipments under Shipping-Create Shipment - CSV Import - Import your shipments using a CSV file You can upload your shipments with a CSV file or creat your own CSV file with the specified columns.